How can I submit trade paperwork for a discount?

  • Simply reach out to us at Contact@brassma.com.
Is it solid brass on the outside, or just a gold finish?
  • We use only real, solid brass with no additional coloring or coating. All parts are genuine brass.
Does the wall-mount bathroom faucet include a valve?
  • Yes, it comes with a rough-in valve and all necessary parts for installation.
Are valves included with the showers?
  • Yes, each shower set includes a high-quality brass rough-in valve and all installation components.
Does the faucet come with a drain?
  • Drains are sold separately for bathroom faucets.
What is your return policy?
  • We offer a 60-days return policy.
Do your products come with a warranty?
  • Yes, we provide a 5-year warranty, including replacement parts if needed.
How can I place a custom order?
  • You can place a custom order by contacting us at Contact@brassma.com.
Can I request expedited shipping?
  • Yes, expedited shipping is possible. PleasePlease contact us before placing your order to confirm availability. 
How much lead does our brass contain?

  • Our brass meets strict safety standards, with minimal lead content (less than 0.25%) or is entirely lead-free, ensuring safe and high-quality products.

What is the ideal pH and alkalinity for our brass products?

  • The ideal pH range is 7.0 to 8.5, with moderate alkalinity to ensure durability and prevent corrosion.